Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just In Time For Memorial Day - Lawn Chair Yoga

Having been at this for over 5 years, I realize that some of my best stuff is buried and new readers might not have read. This is a new series where I resurrect some fun posts from the past.

This came about from a post in the Yoga Journal Community where someone was finding items that looked like yoga poses. Well, after a six-pack of Kombucha, my lawn chair started to look like it was doing yoga...

YogaDawg's Lawn Chair Yoga - Get off your chair and let it do yoga!

"Mountain Pose"

"Plank Pose"

"Upward Facing Dog"

"Downward Facing Dog"

"Boat Pose"

"Plow Pose"

"Shoulder Stand"

See the full Lawn Chair Yoga Series here

And while you are at it make sure you pick up your essential summer yoga gear at the GreatTranscendentalYoga SuperStore