Seven things that you didn't know about YogaDawg

1. Invented the Internet….and Twitter

2. Born in Kenya...this is my birth certificate

3. Hung out with Buddha and Elvis in a Vegas strip club

4. Bigfoot is my half-brother. He was also born in Kenya

5. Taught T Krishnamacharya Downdawgasana. T figured out Updawgasana on his own. (By the way T Krishnamacharya was also born in Kenya)

6. Gave closing invocation at Woodstock (Yeah, like you drugged out geezers would remember...)

7. I eat meat, wear Lululemons, practice on a $100 yoga mat, love Yoga Journal, have the hots for Sarah Palin, am yuppie yoga scum, do hot naked yoga, am a lush, have dawg breath and am helping Ombama kill your grandmother!
Wait, wait, wait…WTF!! I didn’t write that last one!!! It wasn’t me, I swear. I’ve been hacked. Damn it, really people, don’t believe any of that stuff…oh man, I’m bummed...You know I’m cool, I’m YogaDawg…man oh man…crazy shit…where’s my damn yoga mat..holy f’, I have to lay off the Kombucha…sheeze, wow, into child’s pose dawg, slwwp, snore…

Linda's Yoga Journey
Brooks Hall
It all yoga, Baby
Yoga for Cynics
Now this is Yoga
Accidental Yogist
Write-On Yoga
Grounding through the Sit Bones
Prana Journal
Nadine Fawell
My Yoga Book