I love showcasing the art of yogi/artists because I believe there is a deep connection between the creative process and yoga. In this case, these collabrative artworks seem like a yoga class with teacher leading the students. Amy teaches yoga at True North Yoga in Paducah, Kentucky.

"I had planned to get my yoga certification seven years ago but life got in the way. Now, I’m in the middle of studying for my 300hr certification and will be teaching Precision Alignment Yoga as a student teacher as a part of this training. Ultimately I hope to teach yoga and art together “YogArt” when all is done! I’ve been an artist my whole life and hold a degree from WKU in Fine Art. So incorporating the centering aspect of yoga and then assisting the class in making art afterward! Everyone’s an artist, not good or bad, just different! I’ve said it before but worth stating again, “Not everything is a masterpiece nor should it be, but an exercise in releasing and most importantly HAVING FUN!”
From Amy's bio on the True North Yoga website