Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ana Brett Week - Everyone loves Ana

YogaDawg loves Ana and can't keep his eyes off Them boots are made for Kundalini!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

YogaDawg's Yoga Fun Sundays - Something else

The funniest yoga thing this week is Nikki Chau's brilliant Yoga Jargon Generator. I love this!

Of course there is always Stuff White People like. This one is about Doga. This is why you don't see anyone from India in a yoga class...

And speaking of nuts, here's what really goes on in Dahn yoga. My spoof seems tame compared to the real thing. The website doesn't have a link directly to the articles so go to the link below and scroll down about eight articles. I know it's lame, but worth the effort.

Cult? Pyramid Scam? Yoga School?
DAHN Part #2

And if that Dahn stuff doesn't scare you, this will.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sketch V

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. ~ Victor Borge

ink on paper - 4 x 8 inch

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sketch III

"I should never have switched from scotch to martinis" - Humphrey Bogart's last words.

ink on paper - 6 x 8 inch

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sketch II

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes. - Jack Handey

ink on paper - 6 x 8 inch

Monday, September 21, 2009

YogaDawg's 576th Yoga Meditation

ink on paper - 6 x 8 inch

Sunday, September 20, 2009

YogaDawg's Yoga Fun Sundays - Seriously

Bikram continues to conquer the yoga world. Great picture of the yoga 'Don' in his Rolls, shades and Rolex.

Bikram Yoga's New Twists

The always hot Kathryn Budig doing a routine for the characters of True Blood

This is the hot topic of the week. Can You Earn a Living Teaching Yoga? Check out the comments on the YogaDawg Facebook page (you'll need to scroll down since I posted this on Tuesday and Facebook is lame because it won't reference individual posts).

And last but not least is the great recruiting picture that Ashtanga put out in the attempth to recruit male yoga teachers. From YogaDork

Friday, September 18, 2009

Nancy Pelosi Kills the Republicans

A new YogaDawg video

When I saw her reaction to Joe "You Lie" Wison, I thought if only looks could kill.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

YogaDawg's Yoga Fun Sundays - Potpourri

CAUTION: Stinky stuff and a creepy yoga dude!

Yum, Yum...Buddha Pears

And last but not least, Katie Couric talks “State Regulation of Yoga Studios”

Watch CBS Videos Online

Saturday, September 12, 2009

YogaDawg's Jazz Saturdays - Jazz Humor

Jazz Trance

A humor piece regarding jazz. Jazz musicians look to federal budget for bailout support

Horace Silver - Piano
John Webber - Bass
Jimmy Greene - Sax
Willie Jones III - Drums

Friday, September 11, 2009

Joe Wilson (R-SC) offers free t-shirts as apology to the public

Joe Willson is extending his apology for his outburst during the Obama speech to the general public. He wants to make amends by making available a free t-shirt to show that he is sincere in his apology and not just looking to keep his job. If interested in receiving this free t-shirt, send your name and address to:

Joe “Crazy Old Coot” Wilson, (not for long R-SC)
c/o Save the Grand Old Psycho Party
666 Nut Job Lane
Crack Pot, SC 00000

PS Enclose $37.00 in unmarked bills for shipping and handling for your free t-shirt.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Even an idiot can do yoga - Take II

Meet Joe Wilson (R-SC), the newest idiot. Man, just in time because Rush and Sarah were getting boring. (And I always appreciate when I can recycle my old stuff...:)

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Dear Barack Obama

Dear President Obama,

When you were elected and promised universal health care, you seemed like this to me.

But you have been coming off more and more like this throughout the whole health care debate:

Mr. President, stand up the anti-health care bullies. Your moment is now and you need to kick health care ass tonight with your speech before congress. Don't mess around.

Your faithful servant,
Guru YogaDawg

PS It okay if you drop the universal yoga access clause that I suggested to you a couple of months ago.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

YogaDawg's Advice to an Aspiring Satirist

Occasionally, YogaDawg gets an email from his adoring public with a request to have a piece of their satire posted on the YogaDawg website. Though few have had the talent to have their work posted, YogaDawg is nonetheless very generous in his advice to these aspiring satirical writers.

The following is an example of a piece of satire recently received. Though weak, YogaDawg nonetheless was kind enough to suggest changes to make this a satirical masterpiece.

The Original Piece sent to YogaDawg:

“You disgust me. Where's the love and caring that is is associated with Yoga? I can only believe that you are a failure and cannot stand that a beautiful, articulate, smart woman is a better person than are you. Sarah will do just fine without your garbage but can deal with it if you must belch it out. Now, go stand on your head and get some blood flowing. It may help you get centered and bring a bit of kindness to your heart.”

Advice from YogaDawg on how to write a great piece of satire:

Dear Fan, this was a good attempt at satire but here are some suggestions to help you realize your potential as writer of humor.

1. Always start your letter with a funny and hard hitting salutation. Instead of just going into the letter with something like, “You disgust me”, direct your letter to a specific person. Effective salutations I have used in the past are:
Dear Blowhard
Dear Mr. Big Mouth
Dear Ex-Governor Psycho of Alaska

See how much more funny that is already?

2. Don’t shoot your wad so quick by using an opening sentence such as. “You disgust me”. This is the funniest line in the whole piece, so your bit would benefit by moving it the end. This way you build tension in the piece until you reach this last line which will have the reader ejaculate with spasms of laughter.

3. Since no one will know who you are making reference to when you just mention Sarah, try for context by refering the reader to a relevant piece of news regarding that person. For example use her full name, Sarah Palin and a couple of references such as:

Help Save Sarah's Knees


Sarah Palin to Enter Yoga Ashram

4. It was really good how you brought in elements of sheer fantasy in your reference to Sarah Palin by referring to her as “a beautiful, articulate, smart woman .“ That really cracked me up. Bravo ! Good one! Ha-ha-ha…(wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes)…

5. The following lines are pretty weak, “I can only believe that you are a failure” and “Sarah will do just fine without your garbage but can deal with it if you must belch it out.” (though I did think that “belch it out” was pretty descriptive).

Here’s how you can improve this. First assume a persona like perhaps one of those crazy right wing, nut job, screw balls that have been showing up at town hall meetings. You can make believe that you belong to an evil right wing conservative organization such the “Sheridan County Wyoming Republican Women Chapter ”. Now that could be really funny! You can set up the funny bit by saying, “Me and my dang horse don’t like you tree-hugging, incense smelling, om chanting, cross leg sitting, yoga freaks making fun of my gal Sarah!” See how more powerful and funny that is then just “I can only believe that you are a failure?" For added effect you could add some funny pictures of you on your horse…uh, uh, wait, wait, I got a great idea…you could do a graphic something like this. It would be hilarious.

6. “Now, go stand on your head and get some blood flowing” This also is pretty weak and could be funnier. Try using more sarcasm. That might help.

7. Always end your piece with a kicker. Since you assumed a persona of someone clueless living in the middle of nowhere, go for the hysterical. An ending like this would be a great belly laugh:

So fuck you and the yoga mat you flew in on YogaDawg,

Calamity Jane
I Can See Alaska From Here Steet
Right Under Canada Somewhere, Wyoming

Now that’s funny. I hope this was helpful to you in your pursuit of a career as a satirist. Though the pay is low, the rewards are huge. Good luck in your future humourous writing.

Sir Sri Swami Baba Guru YogaDawg

Monday, September 07, 2009

Happy Labor Day - YogaDawg's Garden


Sunday, September 06, 2009

YogaDawg's Yoga Fun Sundays - Fashion Yoga

On the tail (hee-hee) of Tara Stiles booty shot for American Apparel, it appears that AA has taken a nose-dive in its fortunes and had to lay off 1,500 workers (read the comments which are as usual, funny as shit). Not to imply that one lead to the other but interesting that the owner couldn't resist trashing Obama (10% of the US population unemployed and this doushbag is whining about not being able to hire undocumented workers even after getting caught for having nearly 2,000 illegal factory workers in L.A.).

In any event, I think this had more to do with losing its appeal of the hip yoga crowd who have been flocking to buy the new YogaDawg Hipster Yoga Clothing line.

From the YogaDawg Yoga Collection: The new Hipster Yoga Clothing line.

Yoga Hipster in Warrior II pose sporting the fresh new YogaDawg "Williamsburg" yoga outfit

The classic YogaDawg yoga clothing line:

Top to Bottom

Vedic Face Paint
Lotus Joy Premium Yoga Club
Mellow Yellow Chakra Yoga Shirt
Holy Moly Far Out Yoga Bead Set
Mellow Yellow Chakra Yoga Pants

Top to Bottom

Crown Chakra Turban
Vedic Face Paint
The Fall Colors Yoga Towel
The George Harrison Inspired Yoga Shirt
The Fall Colors Yoga Pants
Staff of the Himalyas

The YogaDawg Sadhu Summer Collection

Top to Bottom

Golden Heart Crown
Silver Guru Delux Power Staff
The Amazing Yogi Bead Collection
Prana Star Braclet
Pure Free and Easy Loin Cloth

Top to Bottom

Yogic Beard Extensions
Vedic Brahman Precious Beads
Super Shakti Yogi Loin Cloth
Genuine True Aged Animal Skin Yoga Mat

Note: All of the above items can be found at the GreatTranscendentalYoga SuperStore. Mention this web site and receive a 10% discount on all your Yoga purchases.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

YogaDawg's Jazz Saturdays - Jazz Satire

When I ran across Bill Bill Anschell's jazz humor piece, "Jazz Jam Sessions: A First-Timer's Guide", I thought it was the funniest thing I read in a long time. With jazz having such a serious aura about it, it was great to see someone poking fun at it and breaking through the walls of all that seriousness.

This is Bill’s follow up piece titled “Careers in Jazz”. If you ever wanted to know what you are in for as a jazz musician, read this. It is one of the most brilliant pieces of satire that I have come across.


JEFF JOHNSON bass (2,3,6,7,9,11)
JOHN BISHOP drums (2,3,6,7,9,11)
DOUG MILLER bass (1,4,5,8,10)
JOSE MARTINEZ drums (1,4,5,8,10)
RICHARD COLE tenor and soprano sax (5,9,10)
THOMAS MARRIOTT trumpet and flugelhorn (2,6)

Friday, September 04, 2009

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Tuesday, September 01, 2009