Sunday, September 09, 2012

Bye Bye Bloggie - Join me on Facebook

It's time to abandon this blog as there is no compelling reason to continue it. I noticed a drop off of comments and traffic awhile ago and just turned off comments completely a couple of months ago because all the comments were going on my Facebook page. Blogger feels kind of old and rickety and so much like yesterdays news. And all the action these days is on Facebook anyway and with their timeline, it's really more blog like these days.

So visit (and friend) me on Facebook on my YogaDawg Howls page.  Also the official YogaDawg website, My Third Eye Itches is still alive for all the archived yoga satire. Most importantly, if you want to add a little bit of class to your home, yoga studio or life, you could always buy a YogaDawg painting...

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Them that's got shall get...Inside and outside the Oasis at the DNC

I can't help but to contrast these two videos that showed up the same day...makes you wonder who needs yoga more. (Seems to take the first video forever to load but well worth the wait for a look into the Arianna Huffingtion/Seane Corn Oasis at the DNC)

Contrast that with this video "Charlotte Homeless Outside DNC Cling To Motels"

And then I think of the Billy Holiday song, "God Bless the Child"

Tuesday, September 04, 2012